HeatNIC Vital Energi Wandsworth Riverside

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The business has thrived and additional funding has been secured which is set to make Energetik one of the largest heat networks in the UK. Energetik currently operates three ‘satellite’ heat networks serving ~850 customers (the Arnos Grove, Oakwood and Ponders End heat networks). A fourth, city-scale network is under construction with the first phase due to be completed at the end of 2022. Each heat network operated by Energetik has its own energy centre providing heat and hot water to connected homes and businesses.

At present, these networks use local gas fired boilers and Combined Heat and Power to generate heat and electricity. Once Energetik’s Meridian Water energy centre and heat network is built out, anticipated to be complete by 2026, it will connect to and serve all of Energetik’s heat networks with very low carbon waste heat. From 2026, the recovered heat provided by Energetik will reduce the heating carbon footprint of connected homes/businesses by over 90% when compared to a traditional gas boiler system. With the capacity to supply in excess of 60,000 homes and businesses, this future-proofed energy infrastructure can be extended to meet increasing energy demands and adapted for changes in heat generation technology.

“It’s fantastic to see first-hand how this ambitious project is developing. Low-carbon heating solutions like this have a crucial role in tackling the climate emergency, improving air quality and making London a zero-carbon city by 2030. It will also help us address the rising social challenge of fuel poverty, where one in nine London households are unable to meet the cost of heating their homes. When completed, thousands of households will benefit from green and affordable heat, connected directly to their homes.”

Shirley Rodrigues
Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy